The programme is part of the wider iMayflower Project, we deliver events, workshops and training in digital design and fabrication in FabLab South West. The programme activities focus on various themes such as conservation and environment, art and creativity, experimental manufacturing, FabCity, urban innovations and more.
Empowering citizens with digital technologies skills and connecting ideas, people and enterprises in order to unlock the potential of citizen makers building and presenting innovative solutions for the people and the planet.
The programme is delivered through three key pillars:
Engagement Programme
An outreach programme to engage with communities through online webinars, community meet-ups and tech talks as well as Fab Lab Plymouth visits to introduce digital design and fabrication to curious citizens, students, aspiring entrepreneurs, artists, makers and SMEs.
Citizens Lab
Digital fabrication facility open to everyone providing access to advanced manufacturing technologies, workshops in how to design and make almost anything and training with accreditation in digital design and digital fabrication. This space is focused on experimenting and learning digital making skills through the smart citizens themes.
Sustainable Design Initiative
Series of talks, workshops and support about making products with techniques that are digitally enabled and increasingly local. This initiative is creating a platform that brings together local authority urban planners and procurement leads with local citizens to specifically consider the placemaking agenda within Plymouth.
Throughout the project, we will collect and share information about the resources and material, based on availability, rarity of resources, how to use local and non-local resources and how to reduce waste and pollution following the circular economy principles.
iMayflower Project
The iMayflower consortium project will leverage the Mayflower 400 Culture and Heritage programme as a platform from which to launch a sustainable step change in Plymouth’s creative economy and make Plymouth a more attractive place to live, work and visit.
Partner Information
iMayfower partners include; Plymouth City Council (lead), Plymouth College of Art, Real Ideas Organisation, University of Plymouth, Crowdfunder, Creative England, Plymouth Culture,
The iMayflower project has been supported by the Cultural Development Fund. The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport funds the Cultural Development Fund which is administered by Arts Council England.
Please contact the Development Team if you wish to discuss any aspect of the Smart Citizens Programme.