
AYCH - Improving lives with design and digital fabrication

The EU funded Atlantic Creative Youth Hubs Project builds a social innovation model for young people supporting social entrepreneurship, employment and education in the creative and cultural industries.
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The AYCH project, is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Atlantic Area Programme, designed to promote transnational cooperation among 36 Atlantic regions in five European countries. The AYCH aims to develop new approaches and interventions within existing youth settings, as well as in both formal and non-formal education settings, to connect young people, creative and social business leaders, with experts in emerging and disruptive technologies and creative industries. This will take place across a network of Atlantic Horizon Hubs that will help them to develop ideas, new products and services.

Oli Raud, Strategic Funding Manager and AYCH Project Manager at Plymouth College of Art, said: “Seeing young people recognising the importance that digital and enterprise skills have in helping them to shift their societal roles from passive consumers, to active makers and agents of change, was a real privilege. We’re proud that the college is able to lead these activities, both in the city and across Europe with our transnational partners.

“There are more events and opportunities coming through in the project, locally and among the partner network, that students and young people across Plymouth can get involved with, so we’d be very happy to hear from you if you want to find out more.

For further information about AYCH, please contact Project Coordinator Eli Zahoui via, or call 01752 203434.

AYCH - Improving lives with design and digital fabrication AYCH - Improving lives with design and digital fabrication

AYCH — Improv­ing lives with design and dig­i­tal fabrication

The EU fund­ed Atlantic Cre­ative Youth Hubs Project builds a social inno­va­tion mod­el for young peo­ple sup­port­ing social entre­pre­neur­ship, employ­ment and edu­ca­tion in the cre­ative and cul­tur­al industries.
The Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab The Environmental Futures and Big Data Impact Lab

The Envi­ron­men­tal Futures and Big Data Impact Lab

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Smart Cit­i­zens Programme

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Made@EU Made@EU


Bridg­ing the dig­i­tal divide that hin­ders the use of dig­i­tal fab­ri­ca­tion knowl­edge and tech­nolo­gies in the Euro­pean cul­tur­al and cre­ative sectors.
Fab Lab in schools Fab Lab in schools

Fab Lab in schools

We want to inspire dig­i­tal mak­ers, devel­op dig­i­tal mak­ing skills in young peo­ple, and sup­port the dig­i­tal agen­da with­in the curriculum.
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Skills Sup­port for the Workforce

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