Our Fab Lab includes high-tech 2D and 3D dig­i­tal man­u­fac­tur­ing equip­ment that can be found in the best labs across the world.
Meet the team, watch videos, and book a consultation! Meet the team, watch videos, and book a consultation!

Meet the team, watch videos, and book a consultation!

AUP STU­DENTS ONLY — Indi­vid­ual con­sul­ta­tions with a tech­ni­cian are avail­able for all Fab Lab process­es, please book through Smarthub.
Lisa Sinterit Pro - SLS Printer Lisa Sinterit Pro - SLS Printer

Lisa Sin­ter­it Pro — SLS Printer

A new addi­tion to the Fab Lab, a 3D print­er capa­ble of print­ing in nylon and TPU, with­out sup­port mate­r­i­al. This print­er can cre­ate high qual­i­ty com­po­nent ready parts.
Formlabs Form 2 & Form 3 SLA 3D Printers Formlabs Form 2 & Form 3 SLA 3D Printers

Form­labs Form 2 & Form 3 SLA 3D Printers

The Form­labs Form 2 3D Print­er deliv­ers con­sis­tent­ly reli­able per­for­mance and can pro­duce extreme­ly detailed, com­plex 3D objects.
FDM 3D Printers: Bambu Lab & Ultimaker fleet FDM 3D Printers: Bambu Lab & Ultimaker fleet

FDM 3D Print­ers: Bam­bu Lab & Ulti­mak­er fleet

In addi­tion to our Ulti­mak­er dual extrud­er print­ers, we have invest­ed in 3 Bam­bu Lab FDM print­ers, 2 with AMS units allow­ing mul­ti­colour and mul­ti-mate­r­i­al print­ing. These print­ers can print in a range of mate­ri­als, such as bio­plas­tics like PLA & PHA, and oth­er plas­tics such as PETG, Nylon and TPU.
Leica BLK360 Environment Laser Scanner Leica BLK360 Environment Laser Scanner

Leica BLK360 Envi­ron­ment Laser Scanner

The Leica BLK360 cap­tures the world around you with full-colour panoram­ic images over­laid on a high-accu­ra­cy point cloud. Sim­ple to use with the sin­gle push of one but­ton, the BLK360 is the small­est and light­est imag­ing laser scan­ner of its kind. Any­one who can oper­ate a tablet can now cap­ture the world around them with high res­o­lu­tion 3D panoram­ic images.
3D Scanner: Einscan Pro 3D Scanner: Einscan Pro

3D Scan­ner: Ein­scan Pro

Our new Ein­scan Pro scan­ner deliv­ers scans with a res­o­lu­tion of up to 120 mm, and cap­tures colour and texture.
Wazer waterjet Cutter Wazer waterjet Cutter

Waz­er water­jet Cutter

The Waz­er — the worlds first small scale desk­top water­jet cut­ter has arrived at Fab Lab Plymouth!
Wabeco CNC Mill Wabeco CNC Mill

Wabeco CNC Mill

Our new Wabeco Mill can machine com­po­nents in a wide range of met­als and oth­er high den­si­ty mate­ri­als to very high tolerances.
CNC Subtractive Rapid Prototypers CNC Subtractive Rapid Prototypers

CNC Sub­trac­tive Rapid Prototypers

The CNC machine is a sub­trac­tive process and works by cut­ting an form from a sol­id block of material.
CNC Router CNC Router

CNC Router

The CNC router can cut, engrave and machine larg­er forms.
Laser Cutters Laser Cutters

Laser Cut­ters

Our laser cut­ters can cut through or engrave many mate­ri­als such as paper, card, per­spex, acrylic, cot­ton, felt and plywood.
Vinyl Cutter Vinyl Cutter

Vinyl Cut­ter

Our vinyl cut­ter allows you to cre­ate made-to-mea­sure signs, stick­ers and decals.
Design Software Design Software

Design Soft­ware

A range of 2D and 3D design soft­ware is avail­able to access by Fab Lab users, guid­ed with the exper­tise of the staff.