The Upcycled Glass Company: Sustainable Design Talk

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    17:30 — 19:00
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The Upcycled Glass Company: Rethinking glassmaking technologies and sustainable business models

Join Ian Hankey in this Smart Citizens Sustainable Design Talk as he discusses his new community interest start up, the Upcycled Glass Company, based in South Devon.

During this talk Ian will discuss how he aims to tackle the huge problem of what to do with end of life window glass, as well as the waste glass that goes to landfill from studio glass companies. Working with a team including history and heritage experts, material scientists from Imperial college London, and Exeter University, local glass businesses and a farm on Dartmoor, he has developed processes that recreate 17th century renaissance glassmaking methodologies, alongside cutting edge digital design and technologies, in order to create new sustainable products and business models.

Through the Upcycled Glass Company we will discover how traditional and innovative modern technologies can combine to support sustainable craft practices and the responsible production of objects using local and recycled materials. The talk will be followed by a Q&A session.

This talk is part of the Plymouth Social Enterprise City Festival, hosted by the Plymouth Social Enterprise Network (PSEN)

The Smart Citizens Programme is part of the iMayflower project and has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.