Stray Finds: Fab Lab Plymouth Tour

  • Loca­tion
    Fab Lab Ply­mouth, Ply­mouth Col­lege or Art, Tavi­s­tock Place, Ply­mouth, UK, PL4 8AT
  • Date
  • Time
    13:00 — 14:00
  • Fee
Register here

Join the Smart Citizens team, artist Mohini Chandra and local archaeology team, the SHIPS Project, in this special tour of Fab Lab Plymouth as part of the Stray Finds event at Plymouth College of Art.

During this tour you will discover how how archaeological artefacts can be 3D scanned, recorded and reproduced in a variety of materials through digital fabrication processes such as 3D printing. We will explore the process used to scan and reproduce a copper Manilla recovered from a likely slave wreck in Plymouth Sound.

This tour follows the drop-in Stray Finds event at Plymouth College of Art (more info below)

3D scanned mesh file of Manilla

Stray Finds, Drop-in, 10:30am -12:30pm, 23 October, Plymouth College of Art SU

Marking Mohini Chandra's exhibition Paradise Lost, Stray Finds invites you to view the exhibition, meet the artist and the archaeology team who worked on the project and examine shipwreck artefacts and ‘treasure’.

Local divers and collectors from the South West are also invited to bring favourite finds along to show and to discuss them with archaeology experts from the SHIPS Project / Stray Finds Project.

The drop-in event will then be followed by this pre-booked Fab Lab Plymouth tour (1pm - 2pm).


This activity is part of the iMayflower project and has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.