National Coding Week: Introduction to Electronics and Coding

  • Loca­tion
    Fab Lab Ply­mouth, Ply­mouth Col­lege or Art, Tavi­s­tock Place, Ply­mouth, UK, PL4 8AT
  • Date
  • Time
    18:00 — 20:00
  • Fee
Register here

About this Workshop

Time: 6pm - 8pm

Are you an aspiring young coder aged 11-15? Join the Smart Citizens for National Coding Week!

In this practical, step-by step workshop, you will take your first steps into the world of electronics and coding and learn how to build smart devices with real-world uses. With the help of our friendly electronics expert, Lee, you will set up an Arduino kit which will include sensors and components such as LEDs, light sensors and microphones. No previous experience of electronics and coding is required!

Please note that this workshop will be held in person at Fab Lab Plymouth. Participants based in Devon (UK) will be prioritised. Please read the following details before booking this workshop.

COVID-19 - Lateral Flow Test Requirements

Plymouth College of Art are following Government guidance to help safeguard all members of our community. To attend this workshop at Fab Lab Plymouth, it is strongly advised that you take two rapid Lateral Flow tests (three days apart) and secure two negative test results before attending the workshop, with the last test to be taken 24 hours before the workshop. These tests can be accessed for free, and can be booked here, are widely available to order online for home delivery, or to collect in person from sites such as the Guildhall in the centre of Plymouth.

Who is this workshop for?

This free workshop is open to everyone in Plymouth (UK) and the surrounding region, aged 11-15 years. It is perfect for young beginners looking to experience the world of electronics and coding.


This event is part of the iMayflower project and has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.