Material Ethics: The Sustainability Conundrum

  • Loca­tion
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  • Time
    16:30 — 18:00
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When it comes to designing and making things, what does it mean to be 'sustainable'? What if one cannot attain a sustainable perfection? In the Smart Citizens first Sustainable Design Talk, Owen Groombridge will take us through the design and making process, with a focus on how we use material and energy. He will explore how we can find a balance between achieving our design ambitions whilst making our designs in a sustainable way.

About the expert:

Owen Groombridge is a technical demonstrator, short course tutor, and a researcher for the European funded Impact Lab, at Fab Lab Plymouth. His Impact Lab research involves the design of emergency surgical procedure models which are easy to fabricate at a local level, and use environmentally safe materials.

Owen's interest includes materials, material ethics, and processes; how to get the most out of something with as small a negative impact as possible.

This event is part of the iMayflower project and has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.