Creative Challenge - CANCELLED

  • Loca­tion
    St Sav­iours CIC Cul­tur­al Hub, 41 Lamhay Hill, Ply­mouth, PL1 2NW
  • Date
    17.06.2022 — 18.06.2022
  • Time
    15:00 — 17:30
  • Fee
    Free, how­ev­er we ask for a £6 refund­able deposit to secure your place.

This event has been postponed due to unforeseen circumstances. To be the first to hear about the new date of this event, please register your interest via the following form:

Key Information

Dates & Times: Friday 17 June (3pm - 6:45pm) to Saturday 18 June (9:30am - 5:30pm)

Venue: In-person event held at St Saviours CIC Cultural Hub, 41 Lamhay Hill, Plymouth, PL1 2NW

Cost: This event is free, however we ask for a £6 refundable deposit to secure your place. The deposit will be fully returned following attendance.

Accreditation: Digital Badges (Accredited by Badge Nation and issued through Credly)

About the Creative Challenge

What does the city of the future look like? What problems will we face? In this 2-day ideation event you'll need to use all your creativity, team work and imagination to find new solutions to the challenges that our future society will face.

Working in teams, you'll develop prototypes and share innovative solutions, products or services for the future city. An exciting programme of talks, technology workshops and mentoring will help you get inspired, spark connections and develop new design thinking and digital fabrication skills.

Join this exciting event to come together with people who are passionate about a sustainable future, share your ideas, combine your skills and get inventive!


A free packed lunch will be provided on Saturday 18 June. Please let us know of any dietary requirements when booking.

Confirming your place

This free eventbrite ticket acknowledges your request for a place on the Creative Challenge. Your place is only confirmed once we have contacted you with further details and you have paid the deposit.


Due to the cost of this event and limited numbers, we kindly ask that you pay a £6 deposit to secure your place; this will be fully refunded after you have attended the event. Further information on how to pay your deposit and secure your place, will be provided after booking.

Please get in touch with Tif ( if you have any questions about the deposit.


By taking part in this event you will gain Smart Citizens Digital Badges that evidence your new skills; these accreditations can be added to your CV, email signature, or LinkedIn profile.

Digital badges are accredited through Badge Nation (led by Real Ideas and Future Creators) and issued through the Credly platform.

Who is this Creative Challenge for?

This exciting event is open to anyone aged 18 or over from Plymouth and the surrounding region. It is perfect for those who are passionate about finding sustainable solutions for the future, and who are keen to meet like-minded people to share ideas in a friendly, inspiring environment. This event will also help you to gain new creative, enterprise, business, technology and ideation skills through workshops and mentoring.


Get in touch with Tif at for more information about this event.

The Smart Citizens Programme is part of the iMayflower project and has been supported by The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, who fund the Cultural Development Fund, which is administered by Arts Council England.