3D digital fabrication workshop

  • Loca­tion
    FabLab Ply­mouth
  • Date
  • Time
    13:00 — 15:00
  • Fee

Workshop programme:

1. Smart Citizens intro, Fab Lab tour and introduction of the additive manufacturing processes on the FDM, SLA and SLS printers.

2. Draw a simple small object on Autodesk Fusion 360 (cup, coaster, etc.)

2. Look for open source objects online (key ring, small box, etc.)

2. Pick the object you want to 3D print and upload your design as STL on 3D printer Cura software and set up the printing (slice) with the support of the Smart Citizens team.

3. Upload the Gcode on the 3D printer and watch the magic happen!

4. Bring your object back home or come back the next day to pick it up