6-week Design & Make Training #2

  • Loca­tion
    FabLab Ply­mouth
  • Date
    18.01.2021 — 22.02.2021
  • Time
    17:00 — 19:30
  • Fee
Register here

Smart Citizens Design & Make #2 is a 6-week training for people wanting to develop their skills on Autodesk’s Fusion 360 software.

Held at Fab Lab Plymouth, the course includes learning various software design functions through a tutor-led project focusing on developing a personal project.

It’s relevant to all profiles and industries - from manufacturing jewellery in the Fab Lab, to using CAD/CAM in architecture, toys and tech - digital design and manufacturing is adaptable to so many careers and pathways.

Our Smart Citizens Design & Make #2 Training will allow participants to:

- Have a better grasp of the Fusion 360 software to design objects, products, artwork in 2D/3D

- Get to bring your personal project design to life using high tech digital fabrication machines such as 3D Printers, Laser Cutters, Vinyl Cutters and Milling Machines

- access Fab Lab Plymouth facilities and equipment